Jul 23, 2011

In the Beginning - My First Stroke

Every great journey begins with a simple 'First Stroke', well here is mine with my dad. I have no idea where this picture was taken, how old I was and now I am just a mere 29 days from the next biggest journey in my life to cross the English Channel. 

Maybe this first shared experience, that only a mom or dad can offer, began for me this Journey "One Stroke At A Time" and so impressed me that 49 years later I can honestly say being in water (swimming, scuba diving, or just floating) is one of the single most wonderful things I get to do in life aside from my wife and family.

Thanks Mom, Dad and Katie (the other family fish) 
for starting me on this Journey

1 comment:

  1. I believe on of the ingredients here is going back to your roots. Love this.
