For those of you who aspire to be Open Water Swimmers getting in practice time is about the same as working out at the Gym.
For those that choose to take on a something a bit longer in distance, practice time goes up exponentially, like the English Channel swim where I have been training one month for each mile.
Like camping, you really never get rid of the sand but that's a small price to pay for the glorious swim and rising sun shine on your shoulders, fish swimming under you and every once and awhile a fellow swimmer or kayaker.
This morning I was all by myself which for shower time was appreciated but I don't recommend this for swimming because of safety, no matter how experienced you are.
Hi Don, I am moving to the North Shore from the south side, where I'd usually swim at Promontory Point. Can I swim from the Winnetka beaches when they are closed? Can I swim in the open water from beach to beach without being hassled. I'd like to hear your opinion and also if you'd ever like to join up for a swim